Richland County Restaurant Inspections: Serious Violations December 16-19

Between December 16 and 19, Richland Public Health tested the following restaurants for serious violations: ● In-N-Out Mart #103, 300 N. Mulberry St., Mansfield, December 16th. Washbasin not accessible (seriously, fixed on inspection). A beer can was found in the sink. ● Warrior Drive-In & Pizza, 3393 Park Avenue West, Mansfield, December 16th. Misuse of chemical disinfectants other than chlorine, iodine, or quaternary ammonium salts (seriously, correct on inspection). Disinfectant exposure to the sink and surface was observed in three-compartment sinks and Sani buckets. It has been observed that the automatic dispenser does not dispense with the proper force. The person in charge (PIC) contacted the company for service and switched to manual application of chlorine disinfectant until the automatic dispenser was repaired. Handwash liquid not maintained at 110 degrees or higher (critical, fixed). Watch employees wash equipment/dishes in a three-chamber sink with 98-degree water. ● Burger King Restaurant No. 396, 2242 S. Main St., Mansfield, December 16th. The PIC did not demonstrate knowledge of cleaning and disinfection (critical, corrected during the audit). The PIC reported that the refrigeration mixer section is disinfected every four hours without prior cleaning and rinsing. Check that the cleaning procedures are correct. Catering workers did not wash their hands when it was necessary (criticize, correct). The PIC was observed touching the floor and face without washing his hands before proceeding to another task. Food products were not adequately protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected). The ice box lid has been observed to remain open when not in use. Food products were not adequately protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected). It has been observed that the cooked bacon was not sealed properly to prevent contamination. Food contact surfaces of equipment or utensils are dirty (serious). Clean bottles of sauce were seen above the three-chamber sink with stains on food contact surfaces. Fix by December 23rd. Incorrect temperature, concentration and/or water hardness of the quat solution (critical, corrected). The concentration of the disinfectant solution observed in the three-compartment sink was 0 ppm. Note that the sanitizer bag is empty. TCS Food not cooled to the right temperature (critical, fixed). Found a package of sliced ​​ham and a bag of shredded cheese on top of the pre-cooler not chilled properly. PIC voluntarily withdraws from the product. Ready-to-eat foods containing TCS were not properly discarded when needed (heavy, corrected). A plate of tomatoes was seen on the line used on Thursday. PIC voluntarily withdraws from the product. Misuse of time as sanitation control - four hours (critical, corrected). The observed tomatoes and cheeses were not marked with a throw-out time of four hours. Tomatoes are thrown away and cheeses are timestamped. The observed product does not indicate when it was removed from the refrigerator. The presence of rodents and other pests (seriously). The feces were seen under the drinks counter in the dining room. Corrected December 23rd. Food contact surfaces are not easy to clean (difficult). It was observed that the scissors used to cut food bags could not be taken apart for cleaning. Corrected December 23rd. The temperature of the handwash solution is not maintained at 110 degrees or higher (severe, corrected). Please note that the lotion in the three-chamber sink has a temperature of 87 degrees. No air gaps or approved backflow prevention devices in the piping system (critical). Please note that the funnel between the ice machine drain and the floor drain does not have a proper air gap. Fix by December 23rd. ● Lexington East Elementary School, 155 Castor Drive, Lexington, December 16th. Ready-to-eat TCS food is not properly discarded when needed (seriously, fixed during review). Egg yolks were stored in the refrigerator with an expiration date of November 29. PICs are voluntarily discarded. ● Domino's Pizza, 625 Lexington Ave., Mansfield, 19 December. Employees are not informed in a verifiable manner of their obligation to report their health information (critical repetition). At the time of the verification, there was no signing of the contract on the illness of the employee. Be sure to sign and access the agreement when you return on December 27th. Incorrect temperature, concentration and/or water hardness of the quaternary ammonium disinfectant (critical, correct when checking). A disinfectant concentration of 150 ppm was observed in both the sink and the bucket. Maintain proper concentration until dispersant is repaired. The presence of live insects (severe). Small black flying insects were observed in the dishwashing area. The repair was done before December 27th. Food contact surfaces were not easy to clean (seriously, fixed). Mop blades have been observed to break and chip, making them smoother, stronger, and easier to clean. PIK will stop using spatulas. Food contact surfaces are not easy to clean (critical duplicate, fixed). The observed scissors were used to open food packages, the blades of which were not smooth and were difficult to clean. PIC stopped using scissors until they got scissors that could be easily detached and cleaned. ● McDonald's - No. 3350 Richland Mall, 666 Lexington Springmill Road, Mansfield, December 19th. Incorrect temperature and/or concentration of chlorine disinfectant (critical, correct when checking). A working bucket of 200 ppm disinfectant was observed. TCS Food not cooled to the right temperature (critical, fixed). The internal temperature of the breakfast burrito in the refrigerator was 48 degrees and the ambient temperature in the refrigerator was 53 degrees. The FAC voluntarily threw away all of the breakfast burritos (46) during an inspection and took the refrigerators out of service until maintenance could fix them. ● NC State Child Development Center/OSU-M, 2441 Kenwood Circle, Mansfield, December 19th. The food packaging was received in an unsatisfactory condition (heavy, corrected upon inspection). Tomato soup cans and whole corn cans were seen with dents on the top and bottom seals. The FAC removes the cans from inventory and returns them. Equipment surfaces that come into contact with food or utensils are dirty (critical, corrected). The blades of electric can openers have been observed to contain visible residue. ● Subway #30929, 1521 Lexington Avenue, Mansfield, December 19th. Rodent droppings and small flying insects are present (key repetition). Rodents have been observed falling onto the floor and corners of the mop sink. Rodents have also been observed falling in electrical rooms, on the floor, and on wall-mounted switchboards. Small black flying insects were observed in the dishwashing area. Clear the entire area and contact the pest control company after re-inspection on December 27th. Insufficient air gap between the overflow edge and the water inlet (critical repeat). Make sure there is no air gap under the soda dispenser. Re-examination and correction on December 27. ● Wendy's Restaurant, 2450 O'Possum Run Road, Mansfield, 19 December. Chilled, ready-to-eat TCS products with the wrong date (seriously, corrected during review). Noticed that the onion was not properly dated in the fridge. The PIC removes the bulb.